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Showing 21 - 40 of 325

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Sean Mcdowell

In the very beginning, God has a certain design and pattern for us. God gives certain commands and rules for our good. Genesis 1 tells us that God made Male and Female both made in His image. Genes...



Is the LGBTQ Movement the New Civil Rights Movement?

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By Real Truth Real Quick

Many think that the LGBTQ+ movement is similar to the Civil Rights Movement where one fights against White Supremacy while the other is against Heteronormativity.Biblically this is not so. Principle ...



The Thief on the Cross

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By World Video Bible School

What must I do to be saved?Some say, - be a good person- say pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart- God is going to save everyoneThe Plan of Salvation - Hear (Romans 10:13-14, 17)- Believe (Mar...



Don't Join Your Body and Spirit to Just Anyone

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Grace for Purpose

For the Church, the greatest area of unawareness is sexual sin. Matthew 15:18-19 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the hear...



Four Effects of Sexual Sin

Category: Christian Living, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Grace for Purpose

The standard of God's Word:Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. But the devil promotes adulteries and affairs. The...



Do I have to tithe?

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Talking Point

By David Servant

Do you have to tithe? All true Christians want to use their money to advance the gospel that saved them! But do you have to give 10%? And all to your local church?The question, "Do I have to tithe sou...



Married to a Narcissist

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

By Jim Evans

Are you married to a narcissist? A narcissist usually come from a life of chaos and pain. They end up making themselves the center of the universe. They surround themselves with people who enable th...



How do we draw close to people while social distancing?

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By RZIM Canada

How do we draw close/love people while social distancing?Our instinct is to draw physically close. We should be guided by the ethic of loveIf we choose to stay away, we are doing it out of love for t...



Daniel's Fast

Category: Christian Living

By DM Lab



Is Your Church a Family or an Orphanage

Category: Christian Living, Ministry

Stage: Serve

By Dhati Lewis

Does your church function like a family? Where everybody pitches in? Or like an orphanage where there are a few overworked staff trying to meet the needs of a bunch of underserved kids?God has called ...



Process - A Gospel Principle for Parents

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

By Paul Tripp

As a parent, it is very important to take the long view of parenting. Here's why - Change is a process and not an event. Parenting is a lifelong process.Parenting is an unending conversation.If our e...



How Do I Handle Losses In Life? (Getting Through What You're Going Through)

Category: Christian Living

By Rick Warren

Repression - unconsciously try to block out painful thoughts out of my mindSuppression - consciously and intentionally saying "I'm not going to think about that thought and move forward". To not grie...



Mission is not your God. God is your God.

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Francis Chan and David Platt

An important reminder of the motive behind our efforts in disciple-making and mission. 



Life of Mission VS Life with Mission

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By Caesar Kalinowski

Often we think of discipleship as a crazy, disjointed thing. 'I don't know how 'm going to fit it in my life, all this missional stuff. I'm so busy. How would I possibly fit it in my life?'&nbs...



Mercy - A Gospel Principle for Parents

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Apostolic

By Paul Tripp

No parent gives mercy better than the parent who is deeply persuaded he needs it himself. Embrace the reality of who we are – we are more like our children than unlikely. We can be so im...



Is It OK for Christians to Live Together Before They Get Married?

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Learn

By PursueGod

Some statistics say that up to two-thirds of couples live together before getting married. How should a Christian think about this? Is it OK with God?The biblical answer is clear.The issue here is obv...



How to Overcome Infidelity

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By MarriageToday

In this video, Jimmy Evans shares how to overcome infidelity. No matter what you've been through in your marriage, you can experience restoration.



How do I disciple someone?

Category: Christian Living, Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Key points:1. The way you disciple someone is to say to them, "come and learn more about Jesus by being with me."2. The goal of discipleship is to learn more about Christ, and the best way is to be wi...



The truth about Gambling

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By wvbs

"The Truth About... Gambling" covers the continuing issue of gambling. Can Christians engage in methods of gambling? Should Christians be concerned with both sides, winning and losing?Sooner or later,...



What Do I Do When I Don’t Feel Close To God?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Have you ever done all the Bible reading you know how to do, tried your best to pray and yet still don’t feel close to God? What can a Christian do when this happens? #1 Remember that God wants t...


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