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Showing 1 - 6 of 6

To Overcome Temptation You Must Have a Prayer Life

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Pure Life Ministries

Prayer plays a crucial role in overcoming habitual sexual sin.You will never overcome your love of sin until you love Jesus Christ more than your sin.You cannot love Jesus Christ without spending qual...



Tech Devices and Your Strong Willed Child

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Focus on the Family

Tech, Devices and Your Strong-Willed Child Technology has its hazards for young children but especially for the teen years. Your strong-willed child will most likely be strong-willed about gettin...



6 Modesty Tips Every Apostolic Girl Must Know

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Apostolic

Stage: Discover

By Kimmy Lam

In the Bible, it is clear that women must dress decently and modestly :? 1 Timothy 2:9-10 " I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or ...



5 Tips not to go Crazy on Social Media

Category: Christian Living, Youth, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Jefferson Bethke

Tip 1: Have Guidelines  There are people with trillions of dollars at stake, whose only job and mission is to get you to look more, swipe more and touch more. Unless you have a resisting manifesto, ...



Is Gambling a Sin?

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

Is gambling a sin?This topic is both increasingly relevant and prevalent especially in this day and age. One of the main reasons for this dilemma is due to the Bible not explicitly saying “ thou sha...



What's So Spiritual About Fasting

Category: Christian Living, Theology, Leadership

Stage: Discover

By Rev David Bernard

Fasting is a biblical teaching and practice. It is interesting to note that there is no specific commandment in the Bible that tells us to fast. In fact, it is assumed that all Christians will fast, a...


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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

By Rev David Bernard

Should I Be Rebaptised?

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How to Talk to a Trinitarian

By Rev David Bernard

Does 1 John 5:7 Describe the Trinity?

By Rev David Bernard

Do babies go to heaven if they die?

By Rev David Bernard

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