Should I Be Rebaptised?
Stage: Discover
When should someone consider being rebaptized? Is it ever necessary for someone who was previously baptized in Jesus’ name to be baptized in Jesus’ name again? Before we can answer these questions, we first need to know what water baptism is. Water baptism is ? part of the Christian c...
How to Talk to a Trinitarian
Stage: Discover
In this episode, Rev David Bernard shares how to effectively engage with Trinitarians on the Godhead and identity of Jesus Christ Have a Clear Understanding on the Oneness of God: There are 2 main propositions 1. There is one God with no distinctions in His eternal essence, persons, personality...
Do babies go to heaven if they die?
Stage: Learn
Principles considered in answering this question: ? This is on the principles of God’s word and understanding of God’s justice and mercy ? We can’t always trust our sense of justice, but we can absolutely trust a...
To Overcome Temptation You Must Have a Prayer Life
Stage: Learn
Prayer plays a crucial role in overcoming habitual sexual sin.You will never overcome your love of sin until you love Jesus Christ more than your sin.You cannot love Jesus Christ without spending quality time with Him.Christianity is not about being religious, it’s about being in a relationship. ...
Tech Devices and Your Strong Willed Child
Stage: Learn
Tech, Devices and Your Strong-Willed Child Technology has its hazards for young children but especially for the teen years. Your strong-willed child will most likely be strong-willed about getting on devices and using social media and other technology. Cynthia Tobias was a high school teache...
6 Modesty Tips Every Apostolic Girl Must Know
Stage: Discover
In the Bible, it is clear that women must dress decently and modestly :? 1 Timothy 2:9-10 " I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."? Romans 1...
5 Tips not to go Crazy on Social Media
Stage: Learn
Tip 1: Have Guidelines There are people with trillions of dollars at stake, whose only job and mission is to get you to look more, swipe more and touch more. Unless you have a resisting manifesto, and have a filter, you’ll lose. Have guidelines. They don’t need to be crazy or super legalisti...
Is Gambling a Sin?
Stage: Learn
Is gambling a sin?This topic is both increasingly relevant and prevalent especially in this day and age. One of the main reasons for this dilemma is due to the Bible not explicitly saying “ thou shall not gamble”. (Unlike the other 10 Commandments). However, it can be inferred through scriptural...
What's So Spiritual About Fasting
Stage: Discover
Fasting is a biblical teaching and practice. It is interesting to note that there is no specific commandment in the Bible that tells us to fast. In fact, it is assumed that all Christians will fast, almost like an expectation. The Bible says do not boast about our fasting. This means not intentiona...
Biblical Holiness - Why It Still Matters
Stage: Serve
Hebrews 12:14 states that : “… without which no man will see the Lord…”Holiness: a separation - God has called us out Holiness also implies dedication, therefore we are separated from the world to be dedicated to God A common misconception is that many people think of holiness as a checkli...
Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 2)
Stage: Discover
Why kids misbehave? 1. They are attention getters. • A test of wills start at about at 18 months of a child’s life. • Both good and bad behaviour is a yell for attention • Kids throw temper tantrums for a purpose. All social behaviour servers a purpose in a kids’ life • We need to b...
Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)
Stage: Learn
Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)1. We need to train our children• Don’t start habits that you don’t want have continue into your child’s college graduate years. We need to train our children. • Kids will live up to the expectations we give them• Our goal i...
Setting a New Rhythm for Your Family
Stage: Learn
Over time, every family can fall into a rut. We lose track of all of the things we said we would do with our kids. Here are 5 rhythms you can have for your family. 1. Speaking Life2. Serving3. Seeking Adventure4. Slowing Down5. Staying in Awe of God...

The Apostles and the High Council
This story shows the story of the Apostles from Acts 5:17-42....
The Parable of the Two Builders
The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders, (also known as the House on the Rock), is a parable of Jesus appearing in the Gospel of Matthew (7:24–27) and Luke (6:46–49).The parable illustrates the importance of building one's life on obedience to the teachings and example of Jesus...

Jesus Calms the Storm
This story is based on Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25, and Matthew 8:23-27...
How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?
Stage: Discover
There were many books such as Gospel of Thomas, Epistle of Barnabas which were roughly composed at the same time as the books in our Bible so why were they not included as part of the “canon” that we know today? Who decides which books to include in the Bible and which to leave out and why? Old...
Does 1 John 5:7 Describe the Trinity?
Stage: Discover
Some have cited 1 John 5:7 (“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one") as evidence of a plurality of persons in the Godhead. Many modern translations include the reference to “three witnesses” (NLT) or “three that test...
Can Christians Lose their Salvation?
Stage: Learn
The idea of unconditional eternal security (once saved always saved) is that once a person is saved, no matter what they do in their Christian life, they’re still going to be saved in the end.That is Calvinist and it’s not what Pentecostals believe either.We can have the assurance of salvation. ...
Should New Testament Believers Tithe
Stage: Discover
What does the Bible teach about Tithing? The Bible teaches good financial stewardship, it teaches that 100% of what we have belongs to God. God has given us life, health, strength, ability, intellect, time. So everything we earn is because of God and it belongs to God 100%. That means we shou...
Oneness and Trinity are not the same
Only a true human can die our sins so Jesus had to be the Son of God. In order for the Son to be born, no human can do that. Only God can cause the conception hence He is the Father. Our salvation is applied to our lives today when God comes to us by His Spirit. God is not eternally three persons...
The Thief on the Cross
Stage: Learn
What must I do to be saved?Some say, - be a good person- say pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart- God is going to save everyoneThe Plan of Salvation - Hear (Romans 10:13-14, 17)- Believe (Mark 16:15016, Hebrews 5:9)- Repent (2 Corinthians 7:10, Acts 17:30)- Confess (Romans 10:10, Acts 8:37)...
Do I have to tithe?
Do you have to tithe? All true Christians want to use their money to advance the gospel that saved them! But do you have to give 10%? And all to your local church?The question, "Do I have to tithe sounds like something" I do not want to do and a negative thing. A true follower of Jesus would want to...
Holy Spirit Infilling versus The Gift of Tongues
Stage: Learn
There is a difference between the gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 12) and the initial infilling of the Holy Ghost where you start speaking in tonguesThe Greek word "Dorea" is the free gift of the Holy Ghost as seen in Acts 2:4 and what the apostles Peter talked about in Acts 2:38. The Greek word "Ch...
10 Facts that prove the Apocrypha is not inspired by God
The Apocrypha is a set of 11 books found at the end of the Old Testament in Catholic Bibles and the Authorized 1611 King James Version of the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church considers the Apocrypha canonical while Protestantism considers it otherwise.The Roman Catholic Church considers it inspired ...

How to Know if You're Unequally Yoked
Stage: Discover
[Disclaimer: We do not endorse every doctrinal belief of the speaker outside of this chosen video. However, pertaining to this topic and what is shared, we agree biblically]. The word picture mentioned were two animals whose necks are connected together to achieve a mission in the fields. Farme...
How to Positively Influence Your Husband Part 2
Stage: Learn
Changing your husband focuses on being happy only base on what he does. Influencing your husband focuses on what you can do with God to be a positive and nurturing influence. "What if your husband's faults are God's tools to shape you?""I cannot change those around me, but I am changed by interact...
How to Positively Influence Your Husband Part 1
Stage: Learn
You can’t change your husband, but you can influence him.If I turn my wife into a "love me like how I want to be loved machine", that is the height of narcissism. But rather we help her become all that Christ wants her to be, that is a holy pursuit. How do you put asunder selfish attitudes but ha...
Married to a Narcissist
Are you married to a narcissist? A narcissist usually come from a life of chaos and pain. They end up making themselves the center of the universe. They surround themselves with people who enable them to be self-centered. The percentage of narcissist who change is really low. Narcissist means I am...
How do we draw close to people while social distancing?
Stage: Learn
How do we draw close/love people while social distancing?Our instinct is to draw physically close. We should be guided by the ethic of loveIf we choose to stay away, we are doing it out of love for the vulnerable. But it does not mean we cannot show love in other ways Practical ways are things li...
Process - A Gospel Principle for Parents
As a parent, it is very important to take the long view of parenting. Here's why - Change is a process and not an event. Parenting is a lifelong process.Parenting is an unending conversation.If our eyes ever seen and our ears ever hear the same weakness and failures of our children, it is never a c...
Mercy - A Gospel Principle for Parents
No parent gives mercy better than the parent who is deeply persuaded he needs it himself. Embrace the reality of who we are – we are more like our children than unlikely. We can be so impatient, so irritable and say such unkind things. We can be so needlessly critical and take our bad...
Is It OK for Christians to Live Together Before They Get Married?
Stage: Learn
Some statistics say that up to two-thirds of couples live together before getting married. How should a Christian think about this? Is it OK with God?The biblical answer is clear.The issue here is obviously sex before marriage, not just cohabitation. And the Bible is clear on that. It teaches that t...
Parenting Tough Love
Stage: Impact
This lesson is a good reminder for both parents and leaders about the importance of "tough love". Key Points of Lesson“You are a born leader” is a false statement. To become a leader, it takes a process of training.We all have the ability to train to be a leader.The spiritual success of your f...
The Power of a Praying Couple
Though it is important for us to develop our relationship with God and each other in marriage, it is also important for us to grow our relationship with God as a family. God as also given us profound promises for couples who pray together; prayer protects our thoughts and emotions and leads to emoti...
The Prodigal (Modern Remake)
Stage: Learn
A modern remake of the prodigal that demonstrates the love of a father toward his wayward son. This is a beautiful picture of God's love toward His children who have turned away from Him.
The Will of God (Series)
Stage: Learn
Today, most Christians ask, “God, what is Your will for my life?”. But what if we considered a new perspective where we center our lives around God instead of trying to fit God into our lives? With that said, we should be asking a better question: What is God’s will, period? ...
The Art of Spiritual Conversation
Stage: Impact
How do we talk about God and go about holding a spiritual conversation with non believers? In humility, approach the conversation with the purpose of building a relationship and not with the assumption that we have all the answers to their problems. In any ordinary conversation, we listen, talk, lau...
Five Fold Agenda of God and Satan (Series)
Stage: Learn
Did you know that both God and Satan have the same goals and agenda for you? In this series, we will look at the Five-fold agenda of God and Satan. These five areas involve the way we think, the way we reason, the way we talk, the way we act and the type of result to achieve. By understanding the...
Trust (Series)
Stage: Learn
In every relationship, trust is a crucial part of making the relationship a strong and intimate one. Likewise in our relationship with God, we have the come to a place where we have developed a trust in God. In this series, we will explore deeper into this subject of "Trust" and see what trust reall...
Why Did God Kill People In The Old Testament?
Stage: Learn
"For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!" - Ezekiel 18:32How could a loving God command the deaths of entire people groups, including women and children, in the Old Testament?I know this could be the most difficult topic of the Bible. Richard Daw...

Science Confirms the Bible
Stage: Discover
In this popular video, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he's constantly asked by teens. In this fast, illustrated presentation, Ham shows again and again that real science really does confirm the Bible.Learn about DNA as evidence for the infinite God, the basics of genet...
The Story of the Bible
Stage: Learn
This is episode 2 of a 14-part series called How to Read the Bible that explores the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible. In this video we summarize the overall story of the Bible as a series of crossroad decisions. All humanity, followed by the Israelites, redefine good and evil and end up i...
Where Do Good and Evil Come From?
Stage: Learn
I am going to argue for the existence of God on the premise that moral good and evil really exist. They are not simply a matter of personal tastes. They are not merely substitutes for “I like” or “I don’t like”. Let me state upfront: my argument does not mean that atheists cannot be m...
What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism
Stage: Discover
Genesis 1:27 “ So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” The idea of human sexuality, or sex or gender is God’s idea. He created everyone as either male or female. Not other genders, and not both genders. That’s God’s pl...
How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?
Stage: Learn
How Can Christians Maintain Purity in a Digital Age?The shift has to become from external rules to internal guidance, which is really the New Testament principle. God said, “ I’m gonna put my laws on your heart. Not on stone, but in your heart.”1. A life of personal relationship with God. A p...
Is it Ok for Christians to drink Alcohol? (Series)
Stage: Discover
The question of whether the Bible condones drinking is hotly debated by many Christians in our present age. In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard reviews both ancient history and biblical texts to answer the question of whether believers are permitted to drink. Many Christians believe that the bible...
Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 2) - Al and Lisa Robertson
Stage: Discover
How does one a Christian live through and measure what seems to be the consequences of abortion, when you did something against God's wishes and circumstances that seem punitive?God created us because He loves us and wants a relationship with us. When we repent, we can accept His forgivenessGod wan...
Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 1) - Al and Lisa Robertson
Stage: Discover
What is Forgiveness?Forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Forgiveness is not intuitive when you are so hurt and wounded. During an abortion, there was shame and guilt. If you were not doing anything wrong there should not be shame and guilt. If it was random taking out of a tissue, it should not h...
An Abortion Survivor's Story of Forgiveness - Claire Culwell & Tonya Glasby
Stage: Discover
Claire Culwell’s birth mom was just 14 years old when she gave birth to her daughter after an abortion procedure that took the life of her twin in the womb. In this amazing conversation, Tonya Glasby shares her decision to give Claire up for adoption to loving parents. Jim Daly sits down with Tony...
Forgiveness and Healing for Post Abortive Women - Lindsay Christensen & Laurie Haynes
Stage: Discover
2 Types of Women Post Abortion:1) Women who are 6 months to a year into the abortion and their lives have imploded. 2) Older women in their 50s to 60s who start reflecting on their lives and issues resurface. Many women who have this in their past have a history of trauma (emotional, physical, and...
Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality
Stage: Discover
Although Jesus doesn’t mention homosexuality, he’s not neutral when it comes to sexual behavior.Matthew 15:19-20 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwas...
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
Stage: Discover
In the very beginning, God has a certain design and pattern for us. God gives certain commands and rules for our good. Genesis 1 tells us that God made Male and Female both made in His image. Genesis 2 talks about how man and wife would leave their parents to join together and become one. Both ar...
Is the LGBTQ Movement the New Civil Rights Movement?
Stage: Discover
Many think that the LGBTQ+ movement is similar to the Civil Rights Movement where one fights against White Supremacy while the other is against Heteronormativity.Biblically this is not so. Principle 1: Ethnicity and race are part of God's design. The choice to surrender to human inclinations and si...
What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?
Stage: Serve
The authority to bind and loose is given to the church at large and the leaders of the church as representatives of the church. It is Spiritual authority based on the word of GodIt is not absolute authority, no authority is absolute except God’s. It is not authority to tell angels what to do. They...
Defining Holiness
Stage: Serve
Holiness in Hebrew is "qodesh" and in Greek "hagiosune" The early meaning of the words holiness is Withdraw Separate Sanctification Being holy does not always mean just to be separated FROM something, but it is given to make us withdraw UNTO Someone. We are not holy just to make...
Why Holiness Matters
Stage: Serve
Hebrews 12:14 Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord You can interpret this verse two ways: 1) You will not go to heaven and see God if you do not have holiness in your life because God is holy and heaven is a holy place 2) No man would see the Lor...
What does the Bible say about worldly music?
Stage: Discover
Worldly Music The devil has always used music as a cue to bow. Be careful what you allow in your ears because we do not know how music affects us psychologically. Music was the only element on the planet/earth that was not made on the planet/earth. Music originated in heaven. It is made from...
8 Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism
Stage: Discover
While the subject of baptism in the Bible is straightforward, there is still much confusion in the religious world. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he addresses frequently asked questions about baptism.
The Sinner Prayer
Stage: Learn
Have you ever prayed the Sinner's Prayer? The intent of this prayer is to ask Jesus to come into your heart as a means of being saved. Do you know where in the Bible the Sinner's Prayer can be found? As we desire to be saved from our sins by Jesus' sacrifice, can we pray a prayer to become a Christi...
Word Study: Me'od -
Stage: Learn
The word ‘strength’ in Deuteronomy 6:4-5 is translated from the Hebrew word me’od, but this word does not actually mean ‘strength’. The most common meaning of me’od is “very” or “much”. Me’od is typically used as an adverb, or a word that is placed beside other words to intensi...
Word Study: Agape - "Love"
Stage: Learn
The word “love” is one of the sloppiest words in our language, as it primarily refers to a feeling that happens to a person. In the New Testament, “love” refers to a way of treating people that was defined by Jesus himself: seeking the well-being of others regardless of their response....
Word Study: Chara -
Stage: Learn
In this video, we explore the unique type of joy to which God’s people are called. It’s more than happy mood, but rather a choice to trust that God will fulfill his promises.
Word Study: Yakhal -
Stage: Learn
In the Bible people who have hope are very different from optimists! In this video, we’ll explore how biblical hope looks to God’s character alone as a basis for trusting that the future will be better than the present.
What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?
Stage: Impact
Being hurt and betrayed is part of what it means to follow Jesus who was betrayed in John 15. Every leader, every believer of Jesus Christ is going to face betrayal at some point. What then can we do about it? 1. Thank God for it and receive it as a giftIt is an indispensable spiritual form...
Youth Ministry: Spiritual vs Social (Terry Shock)
Stage: Impact
What should the balance be between spiritual and social events in youth ministry?Relevant - what does that individual need to ensure that individual is connected to God everyday in his life?The goal is to be relational and to win their heartsEverybody's real need is a relationship with Jesus ChristT...
Is Your Church a Family or an Orphanage
Stage: Serve
Does your church function like a family? Where everybody pitches in? Or like an orphanage where there are a few overworked staff trying to meet the needs of a bunch of underserved kids?God has called us to be leaders of people not leaders of systems. As leaders we must have the same kind of affectio...
Mission is not your God. God is your God.
Stage: Serve
An important reminder of the motive behind our efforts in disciple-making and mission.
How do I disciple someone?
Stage: Impact
Key points:1. The way you disciple someone is to say to them, "come and learn more about Jesus by being with me."2. The goal of discipleship is to learn more about Christ, and the best way is to be with people who have been much with Him.3. Don't just live before people and not tell them why. Tell t...
How to Pray for the People You Mentor | Philippians 1
Stage: Impact
God wants us to pray for those we are discipling. In Philippians, Paul prays for the people that he had led to Christ. Here we learn how to pray for the people in our own lives by studying how Paul prayed. Video Highlights: · A discipler shares God’s truth in love and helps...
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Stage: Impact
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Natural disasters, terminal diseases, genocide, abuse—these are just a handful of the painful situations people face daily. If there is an all-powerful God, why does he allow these things to happen? Coul...
Why Is There Suffering?
Stage: Impact
Even if we understand the reasons behind the suffering we face in this life, it will likely not satisfy us; it would not take away our pain and it would not give us hope. What does give us hope, however, is the assurance of God’s presence in the midst of suffering, that we are not alone a...
Does God Care About When We Suffer?
Stage: Impact
Does God even care when we suffer? Angie Smith reflects on God's presence during a painful loss in her life.
The Tension Between Relationship and Mission as a Mentor
Stage: Impact
How do you balance mission and relationship as a mentor/disciple-maker? Get some guidance here. Discipleship is relationship, but there is also a mission and goal when you are making disciples. Sometimes the mission (Matthew 28:18-20) can get in the way of the relationship and vice versa. Was Je...
How can the church reach the next generation?
Key points:They say millennials, young adults and Gen Z are leaving the church in droves. Why is the church losing its voice and influence in our culture today?Keys to reaching the next generation:1. Be authentic. People are looking for something real, deeper and more meaningful than pretense.2. Hav...
What Is Defrauding?
Stage: Discover
Is it wrong to communicate to a girl by texting? Find out more in this video and how to communicate to the opposite gender in a proper way.
Seven Things to Prepare Us to be God’s Choice (Courtship)
Stage: Discover
Seven things to prepare us to be God's Choice (Courtship) Identify value and identity in Christ Realize our relationship with God will never change Realise fellowship with God is affected by sin Realize sexual immorality breaks down relationship with God Desire to be pure so you can be a pure...
God's View of Relationship Progression
Stage: Discover
God's view of relationship progression Committed relationship Spiritual oneness – do you know who you are and where you are going? are we compatible spiritually? Are you able to share what God is telling you? Emotional oneness Physical oneness (This recording was filmed after Sis...
Male and Female View of Dysfunctional Dating (The Progression)
Stage: Discover
Male view dysfunctional dating Strive for physical oneness – taking girls out on a date Emotional oneness Commitm...
Warnings for Men and Women about guarding their hearts (BGR)
Stage: Discover
Warning signs that you need to know to protect your heart Men tend not to be very giving.Consequently, the smallest sign of a man's interest can take on significance to a woman that a man never intended to. Women usually make themselves too available to men and tend to be too open and vulnerable.I...
Boundaries and Limitations of Emotional Intimacy (Defrauding)
Stage: Discover
What are the boundaries and limitations to my conversations with the opposite gender? Am I creating an emotional oneness that can defraud the other individual? Shared dreams, wounds and dreams of the future can create emotional intimacy. You need to careful the level of conversations you share wi...
Consider with me before marrying someone who is not of the same faith.
Stage: Discover
For Christians even contemplating to marry non-believers, you don't comprehend what marriage is like and you probably don't understand what it means to be a believer. 1 John 4:19 (KJV) 19 We love him, because he first loved us. If you haven't been loved by God, how can you love others? If you ...
Truth about Masturbation
Stage: Discover
“Not masturbating is unhealthy, but masturbating is good for me” The notion of the possible health benefits of masturbation is perpetuating in our society, and many people have bought into this myth. We can attribute this belief from the works of psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kins...
Chase God, not Boaz
Stage: Discover
I make no attempts to make little of Boaz. He obviously was a great man. But when considering who our standard is for being a man or what to want in a man, it's Christ. We are to appreciate those who allowed God to use them but more importantly, we are to worship and adore the God that worked throug...
Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?
Stage: Impact
Why do you have to be a great griever to be a great leader?Jesus Himself was known as a Man of great sorrows. Grieving is a theme all through scripture. Loss is so much a part of life. “The story of Job, is the story of us all.” We are constantly losing things, and at the end of life lose every...
Necessary Endings
Stage: Impact
Necessary Endings to Liberate Organizations Where are you thriving and where are you just surviving? Leadership expert and best-selling author, Dr. Henry Cloud, shares that great leaders know the necessity of endings. Pruning, adjusting and moving forward is a healthy and natural process into whic...
The Impact of High Value Teaching (Series)
Stage: Impact
The Impact of High-Value Teaching As a Master Black Belt for Cintas Corporation, Chris McGill is a teacher and coach at heart. In this video, he talks about the difference between being rigid and flexible when teaching. “I find the best teachers are the ones that can adapt to the situation at...
Dealing with a dominator
Stage: Impact
A dominator is a person who is comfortable with sharing his opinion about everything and will often attempt to control all conversations within the group. How can group leaders deal with dominators? As group leaders, you have to love them and believe they can grow. Pull them aside and talk to ...
Believe the Best
Stage: Serve
Developing a culture of trust is critical to the health and success of your organization. I want to try to illustrate this and I could spend a lot of time on this, I'm going to try to make this quick. But let me read it again. Developing a culture of trust is critical to the health of your organizat...
Stage: Impact
Confrontation is a very scary experience. Instead of calling it confrontation, let us coin the phrase carefrontation. The idea you merge caring and confronting together. You care front somebody. You should carefully talk to people about some difficult conversations so here are some advice on how to ...
The Maturity Myth
Stage: Serve
Discipleship requires speaking truth in love, but a lot of Christians don’t feel qualified to do this. They think they have to mature first and become more spiritual. They think, “I need to take another class or learn more Bible first.” But that’s a myth. We actuall...
Do What You Say
Stage: Impact
You are the CRO of your organization ... the "Chief Reminding Officer". Consistent communication is key. It is impossible to over-communicate vision, values, & direction. The first thing is effective communication is always consistent. It's always consistent. I love what Patrick Lencioni says. ...
Vulnerability Makes for Strong Leaders
Stage: Impact
Brian Wells, entrepreneur, philanthropist and co-founder of Flashlight Entertainment, has worked with a lot of different leaders in a variety of environments. He says that the leaders he admires most have a willingness to make themselves vulnerable to other people’s strengths. Through true stories...
Why Emotional Intelligence is Today's Leadership Currency
Stage: Impact
Steve Cockram, best-selling author and leadership expert, shares how people can harness the power of emotional intelligence and relationships to be successful in business. In today’s world of social media and digital content, influence has shifted from being defined by wealth and knowledge to ...
Connect Series - Freedom (Series)
Stage: Discover
It may be from an incredibly regretful act we did in the past, or an egregious thing that was committed upon us by a trusted person, or even a personal trait we wish we could tear away from ourselves: Certainly, we can feel ashamed of many things. Shame can cause us to believe lies about ourselves a...
Connect Series - Life (Series)
Stage: Discover
The world in which we inhabit today is increasingly complex and complicated. The fight for time, the insatiable greed for money, the misuse of beauty and pleasure, the abuse of physical bodies, and the perception of aimless work— all components of life tragically prevalent in our world today w...
Fear of the Lord (Series)
Stage: Learn
The fear of the Lord is an interesting subject in the Bible. We often associate fear with bad and negative things. Why would God want us to fear Him? There is a fear talked about in the Bible that describes an inward posture towards God. This posture is the beginning of knowledge and the way to draw...
Connect Series - Relationship (Series)
Stage: Learn
Love, the bond of a strong relationship. To be loved, what a precious thing that is. But when you look around the world today, Love seems no more than a watered down lip service homage paid in order to attain the affections of another. What happened to the Love that is patient; even when kindness i...
Connect Series - Soul (Series)
Stage: Learn
The soul – it embodies our will, emotions and thought process; it forms the core of our inner being that makes us individually unique in our personality. We may sometimes ponder, “Why did God create me as a male/female? What does it mean to be a man or woman? What is the root of the emot...
Connect Series - Identity (Series)
Stage: Learn
From birth, we are on an endless quest of discovering who we are. We absorb the voices of world— of the people and the culture surrounding us— in the process of establishing our identity, but have we heeded the voice of our divine Creator? Who did God create you to be? What are your spir...
Connect Series - God (Series)
Stage: Learn
We all crave connection, the link that bridges the gap between one person to another. In a world among 7 billion strangers, a familiar voice can remind us that we’re not so alone after all. This is the connection we all need, the relationship that will heal our emptiness. But in a world as our own...
Spiritual Warfare 101 (Series)
Stage: Serve
Most Christians are aware of an unseen Enemy. But very often, we lack the knowledge and skill to fight and win! Sun Tze said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."We have been promised victory but we also need to learn what to do in order to get...
Hide and Seek (Series)
Stage: Discover
The Bible is God’s 66 love letters to us. However, sometimes we might not know where to start reading or studying it. Hide and Seek is a series of 19 lessons designed to help believers read and understand the Word of God. Through this series, you would be able to discover for yourself what the Wor...
Irresistible (Series)
Stage: Learn
God’s love is unconditional, relentless and intoxicating. In this series, it’s all about falling in love with God again as we take a journey of knowing the true essence of what He is all about – love. Rediscover God’s passion for us as we learn about His love through creation, His desire t...
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