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Showing 1 - 12 of 12

God is With Us

Category: Kids

By Saddleback Kids

This story focuses on Jesus' ascension after his resurrection and the message that he gave to his disciples right before he was taken to heaven. It also tells of the coming of the Holy Spirit as promi...



Mission is not your God. God is your God.

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Serve

By Francis Chan and David Platt

An important reminder of the motive behind our efforts in disciple-making and mission. 



Life of Mission VS Life with Mission

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By Caesar Kalinowski

Often we think of discipleship as a crazy, disjointed thing. 'I don't know how 'm going to fit it in my life, all this missional stuff. I'm so busy. How would I possibly fit it in my life?'&nbs...



How to Pray for the People You Mentor | Philippians 1

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

God wants us to pray for those we are discipling. In Philippians, Paul prays for the people that he had led to Christ. Here we learn how to pray for the people in our own lives by studying how Paul...



The Will of God (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Seekers, Apostolic, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Today, most Christians ask, “God, what is Your will for my life?”. But what if we considered a new perspective where we center our lives around God instead of trying to fit God into our lives? ...



Iron Sharpen Iron

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Care group

Real Discipleship takes place in a context of relationship not information. We are so Greek model orientated where we show up, we read books, we listen to lectures that is one way communication and m...



My Self Assessment - Finding Out Where I Am At?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab



DNA of a Disciple - The Full-Cycle Apostolic

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

DNA is defined as a carrier of genetic information which contains the fundamentals and distinctive characteristics and qualities of something or someone. What characteristics must a disciple have?Dis...



Hard Truth About Mentoring (Series) (Series)

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Purusue God



How Groups and Mentoring Work: The Basic Commitments

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

It’s important, from the start of a mentoring relationship, to make the commitment clear. (This also helps in a small group). Here are the basic commitments for mentors and mentees. The mentor (gro...



Get in the Game

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

What do you want to pass on to your kids? Maybe you want to teach your kids how to fish, how to throw a baseball, or how to be hard workers. Those are all good lessons, but God commands us to pass on ...



Creating a Discipleship Culture (Series) (Series)

Category: Ministry

Stage: Serve

By Pursue God


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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

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What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?

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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

By Rev David Bernard

Should I Be Rebaptised?

By Rev David Bernard

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