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Showing 1 - 20 of 34

How to Pray for the People You Mentor | Philippians 1

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

God wants us to pray for those we are discipling. In Philippians, Paul prays for the people that he had led to Christ. Here we learn how to pray for the people in our own lives by studying how Paul...



The Tension Between Relationship and Mission as a Mentor

Category: Ministry, Relationships, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By pursuegod

How do you balance mission and relationship as a mentor/disciple-maker? Get some guidance here. Discipleship is relationship, but there is also a mission and goal when you are making disciples. Som...



Iron Sharpen Iron

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Care group

Real Discipleship takes place in a context of relationship not information. We are so Greek model orientated where we show up, we read books, we listen to lectures that is one way communication and m...



The Impact of High Value Teaching (Series)

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Leadercast

The Impact of High-Value Teaching As a Master Black Belt for Cintas Corporation, Chris McGill is a teacher and coach at heart. In this video, he talks about the difference between being rigid and fle...




Category: Christian Living, Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Patrick Lencioni

If a team member steps out of line or fails to complete a task, other members should step in to set him or her back on track. But co-workers often remain silent to avoid hurt feelings and end up causi...



Here's the Real Reason No One Makes Disciples

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

There are hundreds of videos out there of well-meaning pastors who challenge their people to start making disciples. Everyone knows Christians are supposed to make disciples, but so few Christians are...



How to Start Mentoring Conversations Anywhere

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Mentoring conversations can happen anywhere and with anyone, but how do you start those conversations? Ryan describes how he uses the resources on pursueGOD to start the mentoring conversations in eve...



5 Reasons You Should Mentor

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Every Christian should mentor (disciple) at least a few people in their world, for at least five basic reasons: Reason #1: Jesus said so Jesus told his followers in Matthew 28 to...



The Mentor Tree and the Law of 2 Generations

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Discussion Questions: Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you? Fill ...



Going Full Circle as a Parent

Category: Kids

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

Principle #1: Trust Jesus No matter who you are or what you have done, you can start a relationship with God by trusting Jesus. The Bible says that our default position as human beings is to trust o...



Making the Handoff

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

One of the benefits to creating a discipleship culture is that the pastor doesn’t have to be overwhelmed with the task of caring for every person. That’s what small groups and mentoring are for! I...



How to Make a Mentoring Handoff through Premarital Counseling

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Discussion Questions: Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you? Have ...



How to Kick Off Mentoring at Your Church

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Kicking of a mentoring culture within your church may seem like a daunting task. So here are 3 tips to help you lay the foundation for mentoring within your church. Video Highlights: Schedule a 3 ...



How Groups and Mentoring Work: The Basic Commitments

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

It’s important, from the start of a mentoring relationship, to make the commitment clear. (This also helps in a small group). Here are the basic commitments for mentors and mentees. The mentor (gro...



3 People Lists for Biblical Mentoring

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

If you are ready to use the tools and resources on pursueGOD then you need to consider who to mentor. There are 3 lists to classify people and the mentoring relationships you have with them. Consider ...



Mentoring at Home in Real Life

Category: Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Pastor Gerrod shares about how he uses the PG resources to disciple his three sons at home. Parenting is hard, and parents are pastors in their homes. This means parents must be intentional about shar...



Satan's Strategy to Destroy the Family (Series) (Series)

Category: Relationships

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

This is lesson 1 of 6 in the Point Man series. This lesson is adapted from Chapter 1 of Steve Farrar’s book Point Man.  God has created men to be spiritual leaders in the home, y...



How Jesus Handled Sexual Sin

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

In John 8, Jesus encountered a woman who was caught in adultery. Some religious guys wanted him to stone her – using the situation to try to trap Jesus – but his response is brilliant and instruc...



Get in the Game

Category: Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

What do you want to pass on to your kids? Maybe you want to teach your kids how to fish, how to throw a baseball, or how to be hard workers. Those are all good lessons, but God commands us to pass on ...



The 4 Stages of Parenting

Category: Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

Parenting is hard, and it changes over time as your kids grow older. Breaking down the parenting years into age-specific stages can help you to really win as a parent, from the toddler years through h...


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