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Showing 1 - 20 of 76

Can Christians Lose their Salvation?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Talking Point, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By Rev David Bernard

The idea of unconditional eternal security (once saved always saved) is that once a person is saved, no matter what they do in their Christian life, they’re still going to be saved in the end.That i...



Holy Spirit Infilling versus The Gift of Tongues

Category: Theology, Seekers

Stage: Learn

By Theo Heartsill

There is a difference between the gift of tongues (1 Corinthians 12) and the initial infilling of the Holy Ghost where you start speaking in tonguesThe Greek word "Dorea" is the free gift of the Holy ...



The Prodigal (Modern Remake)

Category: Youth, Seekers

Stage: Learn

By Jubilee Project

A modern remake of the prodigal that demonstrates the love of a father toward his wayward son. This is a beautiful picture of God's love toward His children who have turned away from Him. 



The Will of God (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Seekers, Apostolic, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Today, most Christians ask, “God, what is Your will for my life?”. But what if we considered a new perspective where we center our lives around God instead of trying to fit God into our lives? ...



The Art of Spiritual Conversation

Category: Christian Living, Ministry, Seekers

Stage: Impact

By Explore God

How do we talk about God and go about holding a spiritual conversation with non believers? In humility, approach the conversation with the purpose of building a relationship and not with the assumptio...



Five Fold Agenda of God and Satan (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Seekers, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

Did you know that both God and Satan have the same goals and agenda for you?  In this series, we will look at the Five-fold agenda of God and Satan. These five areas involve the way we think, the wa...



Trust (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Seekers, Devotionals

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

In every relationship, trust is a crucial part of making the relationship a strong and intimate one. Likewise in our relationship with God, we have the come to a place where we have developed a trust ...



Why Did God Kill People In The Old Testament?

Category: Seekers

Stage: Learn

By Rich Tidwell

"For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!" - Ezekiel 18:32How could a loving God command the deaths of entire people groups, including women and ch...



Did God Command Genocide In the Bible?

Category: Seekers

Stage: Learn

By William Craig



Science Confirms the Bible

Category: Seekers

Stage: Discover

By Answers in Genesis

In this popular video, Ken Ham tackles the biggest creation/evolution questions that he's constantly asked by teens. In this fast, illustrated presentation, Ham shows again and again that real science...



The Story of the Bible

Category: Theology, Seekers

Stage: Learn

By The Bible Project

This is episode 2 of a 14-part series called How to Read the Bible that explores the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible. In this video we summarize the overall story of the Bible as a series o...



Where Do Good and Evil Come From?

Category: Seekers, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By PragerU

I am going to argue for the existence of God on the premise that moral good and evil really exist. They are not simply a matter of personal tastes. They are not merely substitutes for “I like” or ...



If There Is No God, Murder Isn't Wrong

Category: Seekers, Talking Point

Stage: Learn

By PragerU

When you post a question to a person asking them if they believe in the existence of good and evil, their answer can be categorized either under Judeo-Christian Values or Secular Values. One simple ex...



Holy Spirit

Category: Theology, Seekers

Stage: Learn

By The Bible Project

The Spirit of the Lord is God's personal presence. The Hebrew word for God's Spirit is 'Ruakh'.   God's Spirit(Ruakh) is invisible. It is powerful like the wind and sustains all life on the e...



How to Obey the Gospel?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

How to Obey the Gospel   While the gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of salvation to humanity, obeying the gospel is the plan of salvation for us today.   --   The gospel is the death, bu...



What is the Gospel?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

This video will let us know what really is the gospel.    Video Highlights: Our lives are changed by the power of the gospel (Romans 1:16) Gospel comes from the Greek word "euaggelion” which...



10 Benefits of the Holy Spirit

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

There are a plethora of benefits of the Holy Spirit, let’s delve deep into some of the highlights:   The Holy Spirit identifies us to belong to Jesus -   Romans 8:9 But you are not in the ...



What is the INITIAL Evidence of Somebody Who Just Received the Holy Spirit?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

How do you know if you have received the Holy Spirit? Some people say that it is upon someone’s faith and belief that the Holy Spirit will automatically come upon them. To find out, we have to look ...



Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

What does the word 'baptism' mean? It is to plunge, immerse or to dip into something. As an act alone, it does not save us because it is no different from a man diving and submerging into a swimming p...



Who is the Holy Spirit?

Category: Theology, Seekers, Apostolic

Stage: Learn

By DM Lab

The first mention of the Holy Spirit is at Psalm 51:11 where David says, “Take not your holy Spirit from me.” Another Old Testament reference can be found in Isaiah 63:10, referring to God of the ...


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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

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What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?

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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

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Should I Be Rebaptised?

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