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Showing 1 - 20 of 92

Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pete Scazzero

Why do you have to be a great griever to be a great leader?Jesus Himself was known as a Man of great sorrows. Grieving is a theme all through scripture. Loss is so much a part of life. “The story o...



What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pete Scazzero

Being hurt and betrayed is part of what it means to follow Jesus who was betrayed in John 15.  Every leader, every believer of Jesus Christ is going to face betrayal at some point.  What then can ...



Youth Ministry: Spiritual vs Social (Terry Shock)

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Traffic Talk - Matt Woodward

What should the balance be between spiritual and social events in youth ministry?Relevant - what does that individual need to ensure that individual is connected to God everyday in his life?The goal i...



Life of Mission VS Life with Mission

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By Caesar Kalinowski

Often we think of discipleship as a crazy, disjointed thing. 'I don't know how 'm going to fit it in my life, all this missional stuff. I'm so busy. How would I possibly fit it in my life?'&nbs...



How to Overcome Infidelity

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By MarriageToday

In this video, Jimmy Evans shares how to overcome infidelity. No matter what you've been through in your marriage, you can experience restoration.



How do I disciple someone?

Category: Christian Living, Ministry

Stage: Impact

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Key points:1. The way you disciple someone is to say to them, "come and learn more about Jesus by being with me."2. The goal of discipleship is to learn more about Christ, and the best way is to be wi...



What Is the Apocrypha?

Category: Theology

Stage: Impact

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

What Is the Apocrypha?



How to Pray for the People You Mentor | Philippians 1

Category: Ministry, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By Pursue God

God wants us to pray for those we are discipling. In Philippians, Paul prays for the people that he had led to Christ. Here we learn how to pray for the people in our own lives by studying how Paul...



Parenting Tough Love

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Leadership

Stage: Impact

By FACMaryville

This lesson is a good reminder for both parents and leaders about the importance of "tough love". Key Points of Lesson“You are a born leader” is a false statement. To become a leader, it takes a...



What Is The Difference Between Unconditional Love and Enabling?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By Real Truth. Real Quick.

Principle #1: If you define love any other way than the cross, you have reduced love to something it shouldn't be.1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NASB) 4  Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love...



The Difference between Childish Irresponsibility and Willful Defiance

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By James Dobson

Willful defiance occur when a child willful defies parent's leadership. The question being asked is who is in charge here. Willful defiance will grow if it goes unchecked.



Does yelling and getting angry as a parent really help you in disciplining your children?

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By James Dobson

Does yelling and getting angry as a parent really help you in disciplining your children? Dr. Dobson doesn't think so. Watch this classic lesson on why action is more important than anger when it come...



How can I discipline my child without breaking their spirit?

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Andy Stanley

Are you the parent of a strong-willed child? Dr. Charles Stanley shares some biblical advice with a mother who wants to raise their child to serve and obey God. Our self will has to be brought into su...



Six Levels of Marriage Communication

Category: Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Gary Smalley

Communication is key to connecting with your spouse in a satisfying marriage. Is it possible for both the husband and the wife to feel like winners after every argument and disagreement? Gary Smalley ...



Resolving Anger in Relationships

Category: Relationships

Stage: Impact

By DrTimClinton

Dr. Gary Smalley talks about what God has taught him about dealing with and resolving anger in any and all relationships. (including our relationship with ourself)



Breaking the Hurt Legacy

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Marriage Today

So much of who we are is connected to our parents. We must understand the generational impact and how to end the negative effects of our past and create a legacy of blessing for the future.



Freedom from Your Past

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Marriage Today

Parents have the greatest impact on our lives. Right or wrong, they teach us how to handle conflict and relationships. We can overcome any negative influences so future generations live in blessing....



Financial Partnership in Marriage (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Marriage Today

Money is often a point of contention in marriage. In this clip, Jimmy Evans breaks down why financial partnership is not worth sacrificing for any reason.



The Importance of Sex in Marriage

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Marriage Today

When we get married, sex seals the covenant of our marriage. Check out this video from Jimmy Evans to learn more about God’s intention for sex in marriage.  ...



How to Forgive Your Spouse? (Series)

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Marriage Today

 How to forgive your spouse?   Give the person a high value God is madly in love with your spouse   Bless those who curse you, pray for them Bitterness changes your person...


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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

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How Do We Know What Books Should Be Included in the Bible?

By Rev David Bernard

Should I Be Rebaptised?

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