Stay in touch

Showing 1 - 6 of 6

Don't Let Technology Divide Your Family

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

Families are struggling with the issue of technology and social media. Most kids have phones and ipads that capture their attention 24/7. Instead of interacting with others, their faces are buried in ...



Digital Parenting: Be Aware of the Dangers Online

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

Parents need to protect their kids from the dangers that lurk online by understanding what their teens are doing and why they’re doing it. Be aware that certain apps exist to hide online activi...



What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

"The net is making us more superficial as thinkers." - Nicholas Carr   Since times past, we possessed a survival instinct - the desire to learn everything we could about our surroundings. This inst...



Ben's story: why as a teen I don't watch porn

Category: Relationships

Stage: Discover

By Covenant Eyes

The Internet offers unprecedented access to horrible things and so all of us have this amazing opportunity to parent differently in order to prepare our children for the digital age. Now I want to sha...



Calling all parents: what your kids know about the internet

Category: Relationships

By Covenant Eyes

As parents, it’s our job to know what our kids are doing, right? Hey, you’re going outside - great, where are you going? Who are you hanging out with? When will you be home?Pretty standard questio...



What is the internet doing to our brains?

Category: Relationships

By Epipheo

Most of us are on the Internet on a daily basis and whether we like it or not, the Internet is affecting us. It changes how we think, how we work, and it even changes our brains.We interviewed Nichola...


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Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 2)

By Dr. Kevin Leman & Jean Daly

Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)

By Dr. Kevin Leman & Jean Daly

Setting a New Rhythm for Your Family

By Focus on the Family

Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

By Pete Scazzero

What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

By Pete Scazzero

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