Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 2) - Al and Lisa Robertson
Christian Living, Talking Point
Stage: Discover
How does one a Christian live through and measure what seems to be the consequences of abortion, when you did something against God's wishes and circumstances that seem punitive?God created us because...
Stage: Discover
How does one a Christian live through and measure what seems to be the consequences of abortion, when you did something against God's wishes and circumstances that seem punitive?God created us because...
How does one a Christian live through and measure what seems to be the consequences of abortion, when you did something against God's wishes and circumstances that seem punitive?God created us because...

Embracing God's Grace for a Past Abortion (Part 1) - Al and Lisa Robertson
Christian Living, Talking Point
Stage: Discover
What is Forgiveness?Forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Forgiveness is not intuitive when you are so hurt and wounded. During an abortion, there was shame and guilt. If you were not doing anything ...
Stage: Discover
What is Forgiveness?Forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Forgiveness is not intuitive when you are so hurt and wounded. During an abortion, there was shame and guilt. If you were not doing anything ...
What is Forgiveness?Forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Forgiveness is not intuitive when you are so hurt and wounded. During an abortion, there was shame and guilt. If you were not doing anything ...

An Abortion Survivor's Story of Forgiveness - Claire Culwell & Tonya Glasby
Christian Living, Talking Point
Stage: Discover
Claire Culwell’s birth mom was just 14 years old when she gave birth to her daughter after an abortion procedure that took the life of her twin in the womb. In this amazing conversation, Tonya Glasb...
Stage: Discover
Claire Culwell’s birth mom was just 14 years old when she gave birth to her daughter after an abortion procedure that took the life of her twin in the womb. In this amazing conversation, Tonya Glasb...
Claire Culwell’s birth mom was just 14 years old when she gave birth to her daughter after an abortion procedure that took the life of her twin in the womb. In this amazing conversation, Tonya Glasb...

Forgiveness and Healing for Post Abortive Women - Lindsay Christensen & Laurie Haynes
Christian Living, Talking Point
Stage: Discover
2 Types of Women Post Abortion:1) Women who are 6 months to a year into the abortion and their lives have imploded. 2) Older women in their 50s to 60s who start reflecting on their lives and issues r...
Stage: Discover
2 Types of Women Post Abortion:1) Women who are 6 months to a year into the abortion and their lives have imploded. 2) Older women in their 50s to 60s who start reflecting on their lives and issues r...
2 Types of Women Post Abortion:1) Women who are 6 months to a year into the abortion and their lives have imploded. 2) Older women in their 50s to 60s who start reflecting on their lives and issues r...

Jesus Forgives Peter
Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but he was forgiven because Jesus is merciful. This Bible story is based on text from Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:15-27, and John 21:15-17.
Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but he was forgiven because Jesus is merciful. This Bible story is based on text from Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:15-27, and John 21:15-17. ...

God is With Us
This story focuses on Jesus' ascension after his resurrection and the message that he gave to his disciples right before he was taken to heaven. It also tells of the coming of the Holy Spirit as promi...
This story focuses on Jesus' ascension after his resurrection and the message that he gave to his disciples right before he was taken to heaven. It also tells of the coming of the Holy Spirit as promi...

Freedom from Your Past
Christian Living, Relationships
Stage: Impact
Parents have the greatest impact on our lives. Right or wrong, they teach us how to handle conflict and relationships. We can overcome any negative influences so future generations live in blessing....
Stage: Impact
Parents have the greatest impact on our lives. Right or wrong, they teach us how to handle conflict and relationships. We can overcome any negative influences so future generations live in blessing....
Parents have the greatest impact on our lives. Right or wrong, they teach us how to handle conflict and relationships. We can overcome any negative influences so future generations live in blessing....

How to Forgive Your Spouse? (Series)
Christian Living, Relationships
Stage: Impact
How to forgive your spouse?
Give the person a high value
God is madly in love with your spouse
Bless those who curse you, pray for them
Bitterness changes your person...
Stage: Impact
How to forgive your spouse?
Give the person a high value
God is madly in love with your spouse
Bless those who curse you, pray for them
Bitterness changes your person...
How to forgive your spouse? Give the person a high value God is madly in love with your spouse Bless those who curse you, pray for them Bitterness changes your person...

How to Pray for Souls?
Christian Living, Ministry, Apostolic
Stage: Impact
Praying for the lost
John 6:44
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…”
When praying for the lost, ask God to pull them towards Himself.
The problem with mos...
Stage: Impact
Praying for the lost
John 6:44
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…”
When praying for the lost, ask God to pull them towards Himself.
The problem with mos...
Praying for the lost John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him…” When praying for the lost, ask God to pull them towards Himself. The problem with mos...

What is Biblical Repentance?
Christian Living, Seekers, Apostolic
Stage: Learn
This lesson will explain what is repentance and how does one repent.
Video Highlights:
Repentance is a change of mind (Greek word)
Repentance is to be sincerely remorseful (Dictionary)
Stage: Learn
This lesson will explain what is repentance and how does one repent.
Video Highlights:
Repentance is a change of mind (Greek word)
Repentance is to be sincerely remorseful (Dictionary)
This lesson will explain what is repentance and how does one repent. Video Highlights: Repentance is a change of mind (Greek word) Repentance is to be sincerely remorseful (Dictionary) Repen...

How to Forgive the Unforgiveable
Stage: Learn
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”.
You’re on...
Stage: Learn
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”.
You’re on...
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”. You’re on...

How Forgiveness Works
Stage: Learn
Most people recognize that forgiveness is a virtue, yet few people actually practice it in their lives. Unforgiveness is toxic to your relationships and even to your personal health. Bitterness is a c...
Stage: Learn
Most people recognize that forgiveness is a virtue, yet few people actually practice it in their lives. Unforgiveness is toxic to your relationships and even to your personal health. Bitterness is a c...
Most people recognize that forgiveness is a virtue, yet few people actually practice it in their lives. Unforgiveness is toxic to your relationships and even to your personal health. Bitterness is a c...

How to Forgive Yourself?
Christian Living
Stage: Learn
Forgiving yourself for something you did – to yourself or others – is as easy as 1-2-3:
Step #1: Be honest with yourself and repent.
Before you can forgive yourself, you have to get real and ad...
Stage: Learn
Forgiving yourself for something you did – to yourself or others – is as easy as 1-2-3:
Step #1: Be honest with yourself and repent.
Before you can forgive yourself, you have to get real and ad...
Forgiving yourself for something you did – to yourself or others – is as easy as 1-2-3: Step #1: Be honest with yourself and repent. Before you can forgive yourself, you have to get real and ad...

Encounter: Jesus Talks with a Big Sinner
Stage: Learn
Discussion Questions:
Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
Stage: Learn
Discussion Questions:
Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
Discussion Questions: Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you? Write...

Five keys to connecting
Stage: Learn
LEGO bricks illustrate the important principle that we were made for connection. When we make the right choices we can share life together with others in great relationships. Here are some keys to mak...
Stage: Learn
LEGO bricks illustrate the important principle that we were made for connection. When we make the right choices we can share life together with others in great relationships. Here are some keys to mak...
LEGO bricks illustrate the important principle that we were made for connection. When we make the right choices we can share life together with others in great relationships. Here are some keys to mak...

Hot to Get Rid of Bitterness in Your Heart
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage.
Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt
Bitterness rears its ugly he...
Stage: Discover
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage.
Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt
Bitterness rears its ugly he...
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage. Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt Bitterness rears its ugly he...

How to Forgive the Unforgivable
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”.
You’re on...
Stage: Discover
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”.
You’re on...
How can you forgive someone after they’ve done something that is unforgivable to you? Believe it or not, the answer to this question requires an understanding of the word “torture”. You’re on...

How to Get Rid of Bitterness in Your Heart
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage.
Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt
Bitterness rears its ugly he...
Stage: Discover
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage.
Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt
Bitterness rears its ugly he...
Bitterness is often called the little brother of wrath. It’s not as potent but it still does plenty of damage. Bitterness is our inward expression of an outward hurt Bitterness rears its ugly he...

3 Questions for Those Who Struggle with Unforgiveness
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
If you struggle with unforgiveness in your life, try asking these three simple questions:
Question #1: What is your motivation for not forgiving?Maybe the reason you’re unwilling to forgive is beca...
Stage: Discover
If you struggle with unforgiveness in your life, try asking these three simple questions:
Question #1: What is your motivation for not forgiving?Maybe the reason you’re unwilling to forgive is beca...
If you struggle with unforgiveness in your life, try asking these three simple questions: Question #1: What is your motivation for not forgiving?Maybe the reason you’re unwilling to forgive is beca...

Is Forgiveness the Same as Forgetting?
Christian Living
Stage: Learn
Is forgiveness the same as forgetting the offense? The short answer is no. It’s not really logical to think that you can just forget a major offense and the impact it had on you. If you’ve been ab...
Stage: Learn
Is forgiveness the same as forgetting the offense? The short answer is no. It’s not really logical to think that you can just forget a major offense and the impact it had on you. If you’ve been ab...
Is forgiveness the same as forgetting the offense? The short answer is no. It’s not really logical to think that you can just forget a major offense and the impact it had on you. If you’ve been ab...
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