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Showing 1 - 10 of 10

Six Levels of Marriage Communication

Category: Relationships

Stage: Impact

By Gary Smalley

Communication is key to connecting with your spouse in a satisfying marriage. Is it possible for both the husband and the wife to feel like winners after every argument and disagreement? Gary Smalley ...



Dealing with a dominator

Category: Leadership

Stage: Impact

By small group

A dominator is a person who is comfortable with sharing his opinion about everything and will often attempt to control all conversations within the group. How can group leaders deal with dominato...



Training Your Mouth for Marriage

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Discover

By MarriageToday

How well you communicate has a direct correlation to the success of your relationship. Your marriage will never rise above the level of your mouth. Words have a dramatic impact alnd are always consequ...



The Power of Your Words

Category: Christian Living, Relationships

Stage: Learn

By MarriageToday

Jimmy Evans discusses how our speech determines success or failure. Just like a farmer plants for a harvest, our words are like seed that grow positively or negatively in relationships.



The 5 Love Languages (Series)

Category: Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Discover

By PursueGod

In Ephesians 5, Paul compares the love Christ has for the church to that between a husband and wife. We know how Jesus loved. He was selfless and sacrificial toward us when He chose to go to the cros...



Intentional Parenting

Category: Kids

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

It takes a lot of energy to parent well. Each kid has a unique personality and way they need to be handled. There is a constant battle for time; time for the extra-curricular activities and time to be...



How to Share Your Thoughts and Feelings?

Category: Relationships

Stage: Discover

By MarriageToday

Intimacy occurs in marriage when we safely share our thoughts and feelings with each other. Whether you lack closeness or if you want to go to the next level, intimacy can return in a matter of days.Â...



Marriage Tips from Jesus: Keeping Your Word

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

People throw around phrases about how they promise to do things or not to do things all of the time. In your marriage, however, it is important that you place value on your words and the words of your...



How Can We Make Difficult Decisions Without Arguing

Category: Christian Living, Relationships, Talking Point

Stage: Serve

By iQuestions

Great video about resolving conflcits. An argument is simply an effort to convince the other person is that your way is the right way. Argument leads to nowhere. Arguments are not the best way to ma...



What should you say (or not say) to a parent of a child with down syndrome

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Impact

By Real Truth. Real Quick


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Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)

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Setting a New Rhythm for Your Family

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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

By Pete Scazzero

What Does Binding and Loosing Mean?

By Rev. David Bernard

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