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Showing 1 - 9 of 9

Running the Race of Life

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Newsong Church Hawaii

Is the Christian life really worth it?  How can we live it well? Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight...



Women - Who Sits on the Throne of Your Life?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

This video will help to answer this question – who sits on the throne of your life? Another way to say it- who do you put first in your life? Here are two questions to help us focus.> Are you a p...



The Red Rope: What Are You Living For?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

Francis Chan uses the imagery of a long piece of white rope to represent eternity. Then there is a short red section of the rope that represents our lives on earth. In comparison to the white rope, it...



How To Hack Your To-Do List

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

David Allen, author of “Getting Things Done”, teaches us how to be more organized. He describes why it is so hard to remember things and how ineffective our brain really is at planning. Allen walk...



Is Christ at the Center or the Fringe?

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Learn

By Pursue God

This topic is for Christians and anyone who wants to become a Christian. Followers of Jesus should look a certain way, with Christ at the center and everything else on the fringe. This concept is al...



Comparing your priorities with God's

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

There are certain things we should prioritize as Christians. Use this activity in order to compare your priorities with what God prioritizes in the major areas of your life. Determine where your prior...



Why Do I Have to Tithe

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

Many people ask, “Why do I have to tithe? Isn’t this an Old Testament law? Since I am no longer under the law, why should I have to tithe?” Most of us don’t like to be told what to do with our...



The Book of Titus: How to Talk About Politics and Religion

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

The letter of Titus was written to the leader of the Christians in Crete, a people who were known for being particularly contentious, argumentative and divisive. In particular, much like our world tod...



Hebrews 11: Abraham and the American Dream

Category: Christian Living

Stage: Discover

By Pursue God

We see how faith works this way in the life of Abraham. Let’s look at the first of several statements about Abraham in Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11:8 It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God call...


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Understanding the Root of Your Child's Misbehavior (Part 1)

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Setting a New Rhythm for Your Family

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Why Are Great Leaders Great Grievers?

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What Should You Do When You Can’t Count on Your People?

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