Should New Testament Believers Tithe
Theology, Apostolic
Stage: Discover
What does the Bible teach about Tithing?
The Bible teaches good financial stewardship, it teaches
that 100% of what we have belongs to God.
God has given us life, health, strength, ability, intel...
Stage: Discover
What does the Bible teach about Tithing?
The Bible teaches good financial stewardship, it teaches
that 100% of what we have belongs to God.
God has given us life, health, strength, ability, intel...
What does the Bible teach about Tithing? The Bible teaches good financial stewardship, it teaches that 100% of what we have belongs to God. God has given us life, health, strength, ability, intel...

The Basics of Biblical Finance
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
This lesson talks about 5 principles that can help us succeed by handling money God's way. Lesson Highlights:· 1. Learn to get out of debt
22:7 (KJV) The rich
ruleth over the poor...
Stage: Discover
This lesson talks about 5 principles that can help us succeed by handling money God's way. Lesson Highlights:· 1. Learn to get out of debt
22:7 (KJV) The rich
ruleth over the poor...
This lesson talks about 5 principles that can help us succeed by handling money God's way. Lesson Highlights:· 1. Learn to get out of debt Proverbs 22:7 (KJV) The rich ruleth over the poor...

Financial Partnership in Marriage (Series)
Christian Living, Relationships
Stage: Impact
Money is often a point of contention in marriage. In this clip, Jimmy Evans breaks down why financial partnership is not worth sacrificing for any reason.
Stage: Impact
Money is often a point of contention in marriage. In this clip, Jimmy Evans breaks down why financial partnership is not worth sacrificing for any reason.
Money is often a point of contention in marriage. In this clip, Jimmy Evans breaks down why financial partnership is not worth sacrificing for any reason.

What is Faith Promise?
Christian Living, Ministry, Apostolic
Stage: Impact
Have you heard the phrase 'Faith Promise' before? If yes, do you know the real meaning of it? If no, do you want to know the real meaning of it? No worries whether you know it or not as Pastor Timothy...
Stage: Impact
Have you heard the phrase 'Faith Promise' before? If yes, do you know the real meaning of it? If no, do you want to know the real meaning of it? No worries whether you know it or not as Pastor Timothy...
Have you heard the phrase 'Faith Promise' before? If yes, do you know the real meaning of it? If no, do you want to know the real meaning of it? No worries whether you know it or not as Pastor Timothy...

The Secret of Financial Contentment
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
The book of Philippians is a thank you letter written by Paul to a church that had supported him through the highs and lows of his ministry. The poor church had sent him a generous gift to supply his ...
Stage: Discover
The book of Philippians is a thank you letter written by Paul to a church that had supported him through the highs and lows of his ministry. The poor church had sent him a generous gift to supply his ...
The book of Philippians is a thank you letter written by Paul to a church that had supported him through the highs and lows of his ministry. The poor church had sent him a generous gift to supply his ...

Jesus Talks with Someone who Worries About Money
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
This takes a look at a story that comes from Luke 12. In this story Jesus encounters someone whose main focus and worry in life is money. Jesus share some important truth with this man, and it&rs...
Stage: Discover
This takes a look at a story that comes from Luke 12. In this story Jesus encounters someone whose main focus and worry in life is money. Jesus share some important truth with this man, and it&rs...
This takes a look at a story that comes from Luke 12. In this story Jesus encounters someone whose main focus and worry in life is money. Jesus share some important truth with this man, and it&rs...

5 Reasons to Give Away 10%
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
If you’re a Christian, you should be a giver. In today’s world, many people believe it’s optional. But according to Jesus, there are at least five reasons to give away at least 10% t...
Stage: Discover
If you’re a Christian, you should be a giver. In today’s world, many people believe it’s optional. But according to Jesus, there are at least five reasons to give away at least 10% t...
If you’re a Christian, you should be a giver. In today’s world, many people believe it’s optional. But according to Jesus, there are at least five reasons to give away at least 10% t...

How to Know If You're Putting Money Over God
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
Men have always struggled with making money their God, and they always will. There was a guy in Jesus day who struggled with this also, and we have it recorded for us in Luke chapter 12. It gives us a...
Stage: Discover
Men have always struggled with making money their God, and they always will. There was a guy in Jesus day who struggled with this also, and we have it recorded for us in Luke chapter 12. It gives us a...
Men have always struggled with making money their God, and they always will. There was a guy in Jesus day who struggled with this also, and we have it recorded for us in Luke chapter 12. It gives us a...

How to Win with Money
Christian Living
Stage: Discover
We win with money when we put it in its place
What does winning with your money mean to you?
The answers can cover anything from getting a new car, paying off college loans to having an impressive r...
Stage: Discover
We win with money when we put it in its place
What does winning with your money mean to you?
The answers can cover anything from getting a new car, paying off college loans to having an impressive r...
We win with money when we put it in its place What does winning with your money mean to you? The answers can cover anything from getting a new car, paying off college loans to having an impressive r...
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